Corporate Compliance

The Program

Corporate Compliance includes the following components:

  • Core Values For Ministry – Help Clarify Our Mission And Values
  • Standards Of Conduct – Make Us Aware Of Expected Conduct
  • Code Of Ethics – Help Us Better Understand Expectations And Ethical Issues
  • Summary Of Regulatory Compliance – Explain Significant Laws And Regulations To Which We Must Adhere


Corporate Compliance at St.  Felix Pantry flows from the broader mission of Felician Services, Inc., to empower, challenge and support leadership to further the spiritual renewal of society. Felician Services, Inc., as the Corporate Member of St. Felix Pantry, has the responsibility to ensure the Our Lady of Hope Provincial Council that all Felician-Sponsored Ministries enhance the quality of life, dignity, and well-being of individuals who need and access their programs and services. This obligation calls for us to create more equitable, just, accessible, effective and efficient systems, and to act in ways that will merit the trust, confidence, and respect of the clients we serve. In doing so, we honor the Mission, Core Values, and ethics of our sponsors, the Felician Sisters.

Felician Core Values for Ministry

The Felician Core Values for Ministry support the Felician Mission and describe some specific ways that demonstrate our values in action as a ministry of the Catholic Church. When we do this, we improve the human condition, repair social conditions that hinder fullness of life, and respond to the needs of the whole person. These are the foundation from which all decisions, actions and behaviors flow.

  • RESPECT FOR HUMAN DIGNITY: Our reverence for and commitment to promoting and protecting the dignity of persons.
  • COMPASSION: An empathetic consciousness of others expressed in caring service.
  • TRANSFORMATION: The process that encourages an open mind and heart, leading to continuous improvement of the person and ministry.
  • SOLIDARITY WITH THE PEOPLE IN NEED: Ensuring the needs of those served are met through advocacy and action.
  • JUSTICE AND PEACE: Forging right relationships, re-creating a sustainable environment, promoting the common good, all in the pursuit of peace.


This is a brief summary of Corporate Compliance at St. Felix Pantry. Again, first and foremost, we want to provide quality services to our clients. We also wish to do this in keeping with our Mission and Core Values and within all legal requirements imposed upon us by any outside source. Our policy and procedures handbook and the Corporate Compliance Program at St. Felix Pantry reflect the way we normally do business. It is nothing new. It simply formalizes what we have been doing in some informal way for a long time.

The Employees and Volunteers Obligations are to:
  • Act in ways that are consistent with the processes designed in your area of responsibility.
  • Question any process that you do not understand or that you think raises mission, ethical, legal or business issues.
  • Discuss these issues with your supervisor, Business Manager, President, or the Corporate Compliance Officer. Or, you may contact the VP of Corporate Compliance at Felician Services. If all of these avenues fail to meet your needs or if for some reason you are uncomfortable with any of them, please use the Corporate Compliance Help Line.
  • No bad consequences will happen to you for raising questions or issues that you think are problematic. It is your obligation. However, disciplinary action may be taken for those individuals who engage in illegal, unethical, or improper activities.
  • Should you experience disciplinary procedures, an appeals process is available to you. Please contact your supervisor or Business Manager to discuss this process.
  • Any suggestion related to quality improvement processes in work endeavors in which you are engaged will be warmly welcomed.
  • The policies and procedures reflected in our handbook are all in the St. Felix Pantry Corporate Compliance Program.
  • Everything in this process is designed to help us provide excellent, quality services to those who seek our services, as well as to conform to applicable regulatory and legal requirements.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the St. Felix Pantry Business Manager at (505) 891-8075 or Felician Services, Inc. Help Line at (866) 225-3253.

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