About Our Food Pantry

Hungry? We Can Help

St. Felix Pantry is proud to offer weekly grocery access to any New Mexican in need. Generous community support means no one who comes to our doors leaves empty-handed. 

Hours and Location:

Our food pantry is located at 4020 Barbara Loop SE in Rio Rancho and is open during the following hours:

Thursday: 9am to 12pm

Friday: 9am to 12pm

Saturday: 9am to 12pm

Holiday closings will be posted on our social media channels and at St. Felix Pantry.


Who is eligible to receive assistance from St. Felix Pantry’s food pantry?

We serve all residents of New Mexico. To receive food from St. Felix Pantry, you will need to provide proof of residency in New Mexico at every visit – usually with a current state ID, but an ID and a current utility bill with also work. First-time guests will also need to complete a short registration form upon arrival.

St. Felix Pantry has no income restrictions for our guests.

How often can I come?

Each household (as defined by your address on file with us) is welcome to come once a week to receive groceries. You do not need to call ahead or register.

What can I expect to receive?

The food available varies from week to week depending on the donations we receive. Generally, guests can expect to receive fresh produce, bread, canned and shelf-stable goods, a dessert, and dairy products, meat and/or eggs when they are available.

Every household receives approximately the same amount of food, regardless of the number of people in the household. All food boxes are pre-packed, so we are unable to provide food boxes for specific dietary needs.

Can I pick up food for someone else?

We recognize transportation can be difficult – so we do allow guests to pick up for another person. When completing your registration form, please list the person(s) who can pick up for you at the bottom of the form. An individual can pick up no more than 2 boxes per week.

What if I do not have access to a kitchen or refrigeration?

We pack smaller boxes of food that do not require any cooking or refrigeration for our guests who are unhoused or unable to access cooking facilities. Please let us know when you register if you need one of these boxes.

Thank you to our partners at Adelante Desert Harvest Food Rescue Program

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